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#MeetTheClearCrewMondays: Ramsley Brice, Product Manager

Get to know this week's featured #ClearCrew member, Ramsley Brice, Product Manager


Who you are:

I’m a Product Manager at ClearEstate, a Diagram company. With experience in technology consulting with a Bachelor of Commerce, specializing in finance, I consider myself an enthusiast of all new technologies that help us better ourselves.

What you do at ClearEstate:

As a Product Manager, I work with different stakeholders to better understand our customers’ needs and bring new products to market. I also contribute to prioritizing and implementing the high-level vision of our leaders into new offerings for our customers.

Fun fact about yourself:

I consider myself a podcast aficionado. I started to listen to podcasts back in 2015 (while it was still weird hehe) and I listen to around 15-20 hours of podcasts a week. Also, I can move both my ears individually.

See you next Monday for our newest edition of #MeetTheClearCrewMondays and feel free to check out last week's edition here!!!

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